Archive for March, 2010

New Blog at Last!

De Niro's Game: Sunderland Book Group's Seal of Approval

Ah. Once again I have to apologise for not keeping this blinking blog up-to-date. As yet I haven’t even mentioned last months book meeting, possibly because I was in such a sulk at the time; I’d really hoped to get there and see all you wonderful people again, only to be disappointed at the last minute. I do have to believe that these medical types know what they’re talking about but still grrrr!

Anyway, it seems that De Niro’s Game went down such a storm that even Raymond approved and I never even dared hope that I’d get to write that in a blog! It really must be some book. I’d chosen it on the recommendation of Chimamanda Ngosie Adichie- admittedly not a personal one but scribbled down by me after reading one of those end of year reviews in the newspaper- and am pleased that she did not disappoint you all, though to be quite honest I wasn’t as sold on it as you all seemed to be. In this instance though I will bow to your opinion and will declare it an official Sunderland Book Group Winner.

And now onward and upward to our Easter meeting which, all things being equal, I should be at (fingers, toes and eyes crossed). I’ll declare at the outset that I’m completely crazy about the book, Brooklyn by Colm Tolbin, which I read over Christmas and was totally stunned by- it’s one of those books which I assumed wouldn’t be quite my thing but actually ended up staying up all night to read. So, no surprises as to what I’ll be saying but do come along and argue with me if you dare- it’ll be good to be back.

About the group

Sunderland Book Group meets on the third Wednesday of every month at 6pm at Holmeside Coffee in Sunderland.

If you would like more information about what the group is reading, please visit

March 2010