Archive for January, 2010

Normal Service Resumed

Back in Business

Okay- I think it’s time to own up. My name is Laura and of recent months I’ve been a very bad book group blogger. I have neglected you all and I am sorry. There really is no excuse but I promise to try harder. I am hanging my head in shame…

Ah, that feels better- maybe blogging really is the new confessional? Seriously though, I am extremely pleased to be back in the North East after my extended stay in Scotland and am filled with new found vigor. I’ve not quite made it back to Sunderland yet and so am not quite a free woman but am REALLY HOPING (fingers and toes crossed!) that I’ll be back for the March meeting. Until then, you’ll all have to make do with my internet meanderings and you’ll have the pleasure of the lovely Catriona next week when the book group will be meeting in Cafe Roco at 6pm discussing Amy Bloom’s Away. You’ll all be pleased to hear that I’m currently speed reading Away and so will be able to wade in with my two-penny’s worth very soon. Watch this space. It would be lovely to get into some kind of online discussion, so if any of you have any opinions that must be aired get writing beneath.

And I’ve seriously missed you all. It’s good to be back.

January meeting cancelled

Following fresh snowfall overnight, and more due tonight and tomorrow, none of the New Writing North staff nor any other book group leader will be able to attend the meeting tomorrow.

The Sunderland Book Group meeting tomorrow will therefore have to be cancelled, and the meetings will be delayed by a month. So the next meeting will be Thursday 4 February and we will be discussing this month’s book, Away, by Amy Bloom.

About the group

Sunderland Book Group meets on the third Wednesday of every month at 6pm at Holmeside Coffee in Sunderland.

If you would like more information about what the group is reading, please visit

January 2010